We know home health doesn’t work for every family…

Clinic provides the space, comfort, and atmosphere for children to focus on therapy! The OASIS Clinic is specially designed to cater to the unique needs of the children we serve. We offer a range of facilities that ensure a comfortable and effective therapy experience.

One of the standout features of our clinic is our large therapy gym which provides a spacious and stimulating environment where children can engage in various therapeutic activities to aid their development and progression.

In addition to our therapy gym, we boast four private therapy rooms that offer a quiet and personalized space for individual therapy sessions. These rooms are designed to create a calming atmosphere, allowing children to focus on their therapy without distractions.

Our sensory gym is another highlight of our clinic, providing a safe and interactive space where children can explore and engage their senses. This gym is especially beneficial for children with sensory processing issues, offering a therapeutic environment that promotes sensory integration and development.

Something unique to OASIS, is our privatete feeding room. This room provides a peaceful and discreet space for feeding therapy sessions, allowing children to relax and focus on their meal without any external distractions. The benefits of a feeding room for pediatric therapy are immense. It allows for a controlled environment where therapists can closely monitor and assess a child's feeding habits, ensuring they are receiving the nutrition they need for healthy growth and development. Additionally, the private nature of the feeding room can help reduce anxiety and stress in children who may be sensitive to eating in unfamiliar or public settings.

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